Full Exocad Program

  • 25 Credit Hours
  • 4 Full Courses

Get to Know All Courses in the Program

Basic Exocad

Inlay,Onlay & Veneers

Bridge Module

Implantology Module

Know all Lectures in Detail

Basic Exocad

  • Introduction Exocad
  • Overview Of Exocad
  • Database Of Exocad
  • Material Selection
  • Options And Parameters
  • Database Preparation
  • Basic Skills In Exocade
  • Crown Buttons
  • Free-Forming
  • Different Skills In Exocad
  • How To Make The Position Of The Tooth Good
  • Shrinkage

Inlay, Onlay & Veneers

  • Introduction inlay and onlay
  • Different Module ( inlay and onlay)
  • Introduction Veneers Module
  • Different Modules (Veneer)
  • Design Steps
  • Correct Pre-Operative Scan Position
  • Free-Forming

Bridge Module

  • Different Module In Exocade
  • Virtual Articulator
  • How To Use The Articulator
  • Anatomy Of The Teeth (Simple)
  • Anatomy Of The Teeth (Chain Mode)
  • Generating Crowns ( The Step Of Free-Forming)
  • The Connectors
  • Some Tips In Basic Modules

Implantology Module

  • Job Definition
  • Detect Implant Position
  • Copy And Placement Of The Tooth
  • Generate Abutment Buttons
  • Secondary Insertion Direction
  • Crown Buttons
  • Customized Abutment Without Scan Body (Manual Position )
  • The Process Of Customized Abutment Manually
  • Introduction, Outline, And Definition
  • Simple Screw Retained Restoration Design
  • Design - Material And Positioning
  • Abutment Buttoms And Adjusting The Crown's Emergence Profile, Free Forming Phase, Shrinkage And Multi-Level Cut-Back
  • Screw Hole Design Of Single Restoration And Framework
  • Full Arch Screw Retained Restoration And Designing Of Virtual Gingiva 2-1. Options And Parameters
  • Alignment Or Seating And Start Smile Creator
  • Emergence Profile And Teeth Placement
  • Abutment Butoms, Free Farming, Distance To Gingiva, And Adaptation To Pre-Op Scan
  • Virtual Wax-Up Bottom
  • Gingival Design
  • Shrinking
  • Connectors
  • Free Forming On Whole Meshwork, Screw Hole Design, And Expert Mood Usage

Here's What You Get When You Enroll In '[Full Exocad Program]' Today:

  • Basic Exocad Module
  • Inlay, Onlay & Veneers Module
  • Bridge Module
  • Implantology Module

All Illustrated in 25 Credit Hours

Total Value: $299





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